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Amy Beaudet             [email protected]             303-668-0081

Resources        Etiquette        Music        Shoes        Clothes


Local: (Denver Metro Area)

Buffalo Exchange (Broadway)

Common Era (Platte St.)

Indigo Rose (Fo.Co.)

Mercer Place (S. Broadway)

Rockin’ Robins (Niwot)


Knus Designs

Lulu Lemon

Poema by Hannah Louise

Tango Leva

Note: One strategy is to find one of the brands you like, then look for it on Amazon, Sierra Traders, or even Ebay.

Guidelines on what to wear:

Followers: Look for stretchy light materials. Anything with Lycra usually does the trick. Consider the tactile nature of the back - someone will be touching it! Avoid sequins and other bling on your clothing. Also - the “wardrobe failure index”, ie: are you comfortable moving in it? Does it cover everything you want to cover even when you are in the embrace and doing ochos? Is the skirt or pant the right length or cut so you cannot catch you shoes in it with your boleos? Etc.

Leaders: Please leave the jeans and t-shirts at home. Slacks and collared shirts are best. You also want to be able to move. Also you need to consider sweat. Always bring a backup shirt. Consider wick away materials - often golf gear is a source for Leaders. Choose light stretchy or flowy slacks. Women love soft shirts!

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